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CBD Oil in Maryland: Everything you need to know.

CBD Oil in Maryland: Everything you need to know.

Sabina King on Feb 3rd 2020

Hemp and CBD related laws are changing all over the United States. According to Federal Law, hemp-derived CBD is 100% legal, but state laws can be more complicated.

Even though CBD comes from hemp, not marijuana, and can’t get you high, federal law made no distinction between the different strains of cannabis for the longest time. Hemp was made illegal along with other strains of cannabis in the 70s. The long-awaited 2018 Farm Bill made hemp legal but hasn’t really made any provisions for growing hemp. For this reason, state legislative bodies have to make their own regulations for growing hemp.

If you’re from Maryland, wondering whether you can get CBD oil in Maryland or if you just want to know more about whether CBD is legal in Maryland, we’ve got you covered.

Is CBD oil legal in Maryland?

is cbd legal in maryland

CBD oil is legal in Maryland. However, this only applies to CBD oil with less than 0.3% THC that is derived from a hemp plant. THC is the component of cannabis that is psychoactive (i.e., it gets the user high).

What does the law say about CBD oil in Maryland? 

After the 2014 Farm Bill allowed states to cultivate and research industrial hemp, Maryland was quick to remove the controlled status of industrial hemp with House Bill 803 in 2015.

A year later, House Bill 443 allowed the cultivation of industrial hemp in Maryland. With that, industrial hemp and all its derivatives were legalized in the state. One doesn’t need to search for a CBD oil dispensary in Maryland - CBD products are freely available over the counter at several department stores and food shops.

What are the requirements for CBD oil in Maryland?

For CBD oil to be legal in Maryland, it must be hemp-derived and contain less than 0.3% THC.

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Is marijuana legal in Maryland?

Medical cannabis use is legal in Maryland according to House Bill 104, for a certain number of conditions that require cannabis or high-THC CBD products.

Patients that qualify for medical cannabis use are allowed to possess up to 120grams. State medical bodies have been directed to develop suitable regulations for patients to qualify, register, get ID cards, etc. They have also laid out regulations for dispensary licensing, setting fees, and possession limits.

The confusion surrounding marijuana in Maryland.

Although Maryland has been swift in legalizing hemp derivatives, the state has had a history of conflicting bills regarding marijuana. For example, House Bill 1101 passed in 2013 allowed medical facilities to conduct research on cannabis. It established the Natalie M. LaParade Medical Marijuana Commission and Fund that was supposed to create guidelines for the bill’s implementation. But the Commission can’t license more than 5 medical marijuana growers, leaving research at a standstill.

As things stand right now, laws on marijuana in Maryland are under pressure to change, with massive lobbying on both sides.

Where to buy CBD oil in Maryland.

CBD is freely available in the state of Maryland, so a consumer’s primary concern would be to find a quality product. Misinformation and mislabeling are rampant in the CBD industry, so several CBD users choose to buy their products online instead. Buying online gives one more information about the company, its growing process, and most importantly – third-party lab test results for quality and potency. If you must shop at CBD oil stores in Maryland, make sure to do a quick internet search of the brand name and their reputation.

Things are looking good for CBD Oil in Maryland at the moment, and most other states have followed suit or are soon looking to. Want more information on state-specific CBD policies? Let us know.

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